for this post i’m doing a huuuge throwback to 2016 because it’s super cold in austria and i’m really really missing the sun!

when i went to miami, florida with my family in 2016 we decided to pay a visit to the WYNWOOD ART DISTRICT which is home to over 70 galleries, museums and collections and one of the largest open-air street art installations in the world. the artwork and colors are just so so so stunning!

but what am i talking here, enough said. here are my wynwood pictures:

IMG_062420160327_12222020160327_12302120160327_12321020160327_12360920160327_124357IMG_422220160327_12450320160327_12451920160327_12462920160327_12482220160327_12484320160327_13132220160327_131501Photo 16.01.18, 1 43 35 AMIMG_4228

the artwork is just SO FREAKING AWESOME, isn’t it?! make sure to check it out next time you’re in miami! :-)


  1. Kana says:

    Wynwood has been such a popular place to visit recently! I’m super curious to see all the street art! Love the ones you snapped! Thanks for joining Fly Away Friday, hope to see you tomorrow for the 50th one – exciting things happening! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. oneadventuretraveler says:

    How cool the Wynwood District looks with all that street art. I was just in Miami not long ago and this was one place on my list to visit but never made it. Great photos and love the Street Art. Thanks for sharing! #feetdotravel


  3. katherinefenech2017 says:

    It’s all so beautiful and artistic! I want to go see it all in person now, especially that elephant. The murals all look like they have so much detail in them, and that you could see something new in them every time you visited. #FlyAwayFriday

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lyn aka The Travelling Lindfields says:

    We have just been to Wynwood. My post is also in this week’s link-up. Only a few of my photos are the same pictures as yours. Either the art at Wynwood changes or we just snapped different things. I suspect the art changes since I don’t recognise some of your pics.


  5. Sara says:

    Street art is completely fascinating to me. People are so much more talented than I am. I feel like street art is even harder because it’s not a controlled environment or canvas! Beautiful pictures of the art installations throughout Wynwood!! #citytripping


  6. Rob+Ann @TravelLatte(.net) says:

    Wynwood is just fantastic! Although, we pretty much love all of Miami and Miami Beach. It’s a great counterpart to all of the Art Deco architecture around the city. Love your pictures, too! Thanks for sharing them on #TheWeeklyPostcard.


  7. aniahalama says:

    I’m a HUGE fan of street art and graffiti, it’s actually one of the reasons I love Miami so much. I love all of your pictures, they look incredible, and I’m getting a bit of an itch to go back. #TheWeeklyPostcard


  8. Anda says:

    I don’t come across too much street art when I travel. I’d love to photograph some murals like these, but I never see them. I should probably make it a purpose to find places like this. #TheWeeklyPostcrd


  9. Anisa says:

    I love street art so I would love to see the Wynwood Walls. Great pictures, I love the colors. Thanks for sharing on #TheWeeklyPostcard.


  10. Clare Thomson says:

    Love the street art here, Lisa! I really enjoy the ones that mix up the mediums so you’ve got paint and a 3D effect too. It’s really effective. Thanks for sharing this with us on #FarawayFiles


  11. Hilary says:

    Wynwood is on my Street Art Bucket List! I am definitely considering heading there in the next year or so! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos on #farawayfiles


  12. Ruth says:

    Oh my! You have no idea how much I want to visit this place. Love street art and would love to spend some time photographing the walls. I went to Miami a long time ago (before the Wynwood Art District was trendy). #WanderfulWednesday


  13. Sarah says:

    I went to Miami in 2015 but never heard of Wynwood until after our trip. When I see posts like this I always kick myself because it looks soooo cool and I wish I had gone!!


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